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The late Stan Young sent this photo of Primary 5b from 1960.
Neil McBeath would love to hear from you. Quite a few of the pupils had a crush on Miss Morrison (to put it politely). And where is she now?
If you were in 5a with Miss Roy in 1960 we have your photo too.
Some of these boys also appear in the 1962 photo of the 2nd XV
Thanks to all who have commented below and also to David Gyles who has been in contact and clarified who’s who.
Further comments are welcome especially if you want to get back in touch with former classmates or share memories.
Back Row – (William) Jonny Dunlop, David Gyles, Roderick McAra, Argyle Cowan, Ian Bisset, Brian Gray,Philip Holgate??, James Finlayson, Roderick McQueen, David Smellie
Middle Row: Alan Weld, Seumas Downie, Neil Coats?, Alastair Reid, Ian MacPherson, Douglas McTavish, Ronald Johnston, Mitchell Tulloch, Andrew Rendle, Alan Ramsay
Front Seated: Ralph Barker, Gordon Grieve, Alistair Duff, John Anderson, Miss Morrison, Martin Gibson, Stanley Young, Trevor Weaver, Harry Barker
Sitting on Ground: Leo Capaldi, Derek Bottomley, Brian Packer, Niall Longmuir, David Mann, Kelvin Gray
Absent: Thomas Hunter and Roddy McLeod
Thanks to all who have contributed so far. I now have a list of the class members, which lists 36 pupils. As there are only 34 in the photo, either a couple of people were absent, or joined the class later.
The missing names are – Alastair Duff, William J M Dunlop, Martin O Gibson, Philip Holgate, Thomas Hunter, Roderick McLeod. Does this jog anyone’s memory?
Here is the list based on your feedback –
Back Trevor Weaver? (or is he in the front row?), David Gyles, ¬ Roderick McAra, Argyle Cowan, Ian Bisset, Brian Gray,??, James Finlayson, Roderick McQueen, David Smellie
Middle: Alan Weld, Seumas Downie, ??, Alastair Reid, Ian MacPherson, Douglas McTavish, Ronald Johnston, Mitchell Tulloch, Andrew Rendle, Alan Ramsay
Front: Ralph Barker, Gordon Grieve, ??, John Anderson, Miss Morrison, Neil Coates?, Stanley Young, Trevor Weaver(or is he in the back row?), Harry Barker
Seated on Ground: Leo Capaldi, Derek Bottomley, Brian Packer, Niall Longmuir, David Mann, Kelvin Gray
I think 1st from left back row is Trevor Weaver next to David Gyles but that is surely a dusty memory so best corroborated with others.
All best
Ron Johnston
Thanks Ron.
I’ve upgraded the photos as these were first added years ago when the web was much slower. If you click on the photo it’ll bring up a high resolution version. Hopefully this will help.
So we now have two sightings of Trevor Weaver. We need someone to choose which is correct. We are still looking for Alastair Duff, William J M Dunlop, Martin O Gibson, Philip Holgate, Thomas Hunter, Roderick McLeod.
Thanks for your help
Will Dunnett (I was in 5A)
Strange what Lock-Down does !!
Hi Will………… I think you are right! Back row 1st Left which I suggested as being Trevor Weaver … I now think is John Dunlop. I think you are right abut T Weaver next to Harry Barker.
I am fairly certain Neil Coates is between Seamas Downie and Alastair Reid. So that gives another problem for you “facial recognition” programme. Well done !! all fascinating stuff! Would love a time machine — for a day at least !
Me…..Ronald (Johnny) Johnston)2nd row from back looking over Miss Morrison’s left shoulder (right if you are facing her). My my…..o tempora o mores as Fred Scott might have said!
I think I can add some names…
Back Row: #1 – John Dunn
Middle Row: #3 – Neil McGilp; #6 – Douglas McTavish
Front Row: #6 – Neil Coates (where #5 = Miss Morrison)
Best regards to all my class-mates, Leo
Not I…I’m in the 5A pic. Niall McGilp
Hello Niall, yes you used to sit directly behind me in the A class. You assured me you had a tin foot, which I didn’t believe, but was unable to disprove.
Back Row, fifth from left – Ian Bisset
Front row 2nd from right – me David Mann. To my left Neil Longmuir, behind and between us – Stan Young.
This brings back memories – I recognise all of the faces but some of the names elude me. I hope that someone else can fill in the blanks:
Back: Fraser Finlayson, ??, Roderick McAra, Argyle Cowan, ??, Ian Gray, Philip Mort, Ian Finlayson, Roderick McQueen, David Smellie
Middle: Alan Weld, Seumas Downie, ??, Alastair Reid, Ian MacPherson, ??, ? Johnstone, Mitchell Tulloch, Martin Rendle, Alan Ramsay
Front: Ralph Barker, Gordon Grieve, ??, Ian Anderson, Miss Morrison, ??, Stanley Young, Trevor Weaver, Harry Barker
Seated on Ground: Leo Capaldi, Derek Bottomley, Brian Packer, Niall Longmuir, David Mann, Kelvin Gray
Thanks for your comments. I hope the photo brought back happy memories. The boy in the back row can’t be Fraser Finlayson as he is in the Primary 5A class photo. Could it be Neil Coats? Next to him, I am pretty sure is David Giles. (Gyles?). Martin Rendle do you mean Andrew Rendle?
By the way did you see Colin Todd, who was in 5A, was in the news yesterday as an expert witness in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry?
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