The Authors of Mischief and Just the Job
The Authors of Mischief
Based on a true story where a Baillie is shot by a Royal High Pupil
English master Hector McIver produced the play which was written by school pupils David Platt (class VIU) and Karl Miller (class VA).
The play was performed at the RHS Preparatory School at Jock’s Lodge on 19th and 20th July 1948.
David Platt was older than Karl Miller and I don’t know what happened to him. Karl Miller was Dux of the School and became editor of “The Listener” and later was editor of a London literary magazine-the London Review of Books, which he founded.
He also wrote several books some of an autobiographical nature, recalling quite a bit about his Edinburgh youth, the School and in particular about Hector whom he remembered with great affection as to some extent do I as he was an unforgettable and charismatic teacher.
Karl Miller was also a member of the Championship winning Royal High team in the Top Of The Form radio quiz
Many thanks to the late Garry Ross for supplying this material
The Author’s Note outlines the events on which the play was based.
View the program, review from Schola Regia and photographs in the Gallery below.
Just the Job
Just The Job, a satirical comedy written by Royal High sixth former, Alexander Burton, was performed at the Little Theatre in the Pleasance, Edinburgh in July 1950. Alexander also appeared in the play as Sandy Sinclair, an engine driver who wishes to be an MP. The play was produced by Charles McAra who I believe taught English at the school.
Many thanks to Leslie Gage for supplying this material